Why is Brand so important…

Recently I was scrolling through my facebook and started watching an inspiring video of Dr. Vivek Bindra as I was watching the video an ads came in the middle the ad was about race between Brand, Advertising, Referrals, and 4 th one I’m not remembering but I found that ad very interesting and started toContinue reading “Why is Brand so important…”

Post Corona World will reform.

Badabusiness Dr. Vivek Bindra helps all the aspiring Entrepreneurs to start up their own business. Hi, Its high time we need to think and prepare ourselves for post corona period , looking at today’s scenario when we are all locked down, Industries and economy are badly effected. Travel Industry, Hospitality Industry, Food Industry all areContinue reading “Post Corona World will reform.”

The Father who bought some shares in 1994.

Yes, you heard it right it was the era of 90’s stock market was known to few, shares were sold physically through agents. Not much of the banking and investments instruments were available or known at that time. Dhir’s father Abhishankar was a Government employee , he was a clerk but a smart person alwaysContinue reading “The Father who bought some shares in 1994.”

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