The Decision to Avoid When High on Emotions: The Inverse Relationship Between Emotion and Logical Thinking

Emotions play a significant role in our lives, influencing our thoughts, actions, and decision-making processes. When we experience intense emotions, whether negative or positive, they can significantly impact our ability to think critically and logically. In such heightened emotional states, our judgment can become clouded, leading to potentially regrettable decisions. This article explores the importanceContinue reading “The Decision to Avoid When High on Emotions: The Inverse Relationship Between Emotion and Logical Thinking”

The Selfish Husband: A Tale of Absence and Neglect

Introduction Marriage is often seen as a partnership built on love, trust, and mutual support. However, there are times when one spouse’s selfishness can create significant strain in the relationship. This article delves into the unfortunate story of a selfish husband who consistently failed to be there for his wife, from her illness to pregnancy.Continue reading “The Selfish Husband: A Tale of Absence and Neglect”

Book Launch ” Leader of all Leaders” Inspired by Bhagwat Gita

Today I’m so happy to share with you my book release which is now available on Amazon and Flipkart both in print and e- book. I have  always been inspired by Indian mythology and it’s stories. This book of mine is  inspired by  Bhagwat Gita. The secret knowledge of Bhagwat Gita has inspired us fromContinue reading “Book Launch ” Leader of all Leaders” Inspired by Bhagwat Gita”


During his battle in Mahabharata with Arjuna, when Karna was busy removing the chariot wheel from the mud. During this time, he was shot by Arjuna, on the advice of Krishna. However, one should remember that Karna did the same thing to Abhimanyu (Arjuna’s son). This, instance give rise to a thought that Karan wasContinue reading “WHO WAS THE GREAT ARCHEOR ARJUN OR KARAN?”


Story of Karan Association with Duryodhana:- Karna He is the spiritual son of the Vedic deity- Surya (“sun god”) and princess Kunti (mother of the Pandavas), and thus a demigod of royal birth. Kunti was granted the boon to bear a child with desired divine qualities from the gods and without much knowledge, Kunti invokedContinue reading “BAD ASSOCIATION GIVES BAD RESULT”

How to fix the mind on Krishna consciousness.

BG 12.9: If you are unable to fix your mind steadily on Me, O Arjun, then practice remembering Me with devotion while constantly restraining the mind from worldly affairs. Fixing the mind upon Shree Krishna is the perfection of sādhanā (spiritual practice), but immediately on beginning the path, we cannot expect to become perfect. So,Continue reading “How to fix the mind on Krishna consciousness.”

How do they go beyond the bondage of the guṇas?

BG 12.8: Fix your mind on Me alone and surrender your intellect to Me. There upon, you will always live in Me. Of this, there is no doubt. Having explained that worship of the personal form is better, Shree Krishna now begins to explain how to worship Him. He asks Arjun to do two things—fixContinue reading “How do they go beyond the bondage of the guṇas?”

What are the characteristics of those who have gone beyond the three guṇas? Reference Bhagwat Gita:-

BG 14.21: Arjun inquired: What are the characteristics of those who have gone beyond the three guṇas, O Lord? How do they act? How do they go beyond the bondage of the guṇas? Shree Krishna answers his questions systematically. BG 14.22-23: The Supreme Divine Personality said: O Arjun, The persons who are transcendental to theContinue reading “What are the characteristics of those who have gone beyond the three guṇas? Reference Bhagwat Gita:-“

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