During his battle in Mahabharata with Arjuna, when Karna was busy removing the chariot wheel from the mud. During this time, he was shot by Arjuna, on the advice of Krishna. However, one should remember that Karna did the same thing to Abhimanyu (Arjuna’s son).

Arjun Vs Karn

This, instance give rise to a thought that Karan was no inferior to Arjun as warrior.

But,there are many instances where Karan was defeated by Arjuna.

1. When Dronacharya asked KAURAVA and Pandavas to arrest Drupad and bring before him. Kauravas went first along with them Karan also went but they were defeate.

2. When Gandharvs attacked Kauravas they were gain defeated. Pandavas then defeated Gandjarav .

3. At end of the agyatwas Arjun again defeated Kauravas in which Karan was present .

• Dronacharya was once humiliated ny King Drupad so to take revenge he saw the potential in Arjun, and knew this would be the man who could help him avenge the humiliation. He trained Arjun in the skills of archery and shastra vidya, made him the best archer as promised. When the time came for Guru Dakshina,Drona asked his students to defeat Drupad and capture him alive. Duryodhan and his brothers Karn was also part of thie army took up the challenge first, and declared war on Drupad, however they were beaten in battle. That is when Arjun along with Bheem, attacked Drupad’s army, defeated him, and bought him as a prisoner to Drona. So, we can see here Arjun was great warrior.

• After Pandavas lost in dice game and went on for exile, Duryodhana planned to humiliate Pandavas by showing them the luxuries enjoyed by all Kauravas and Karna. So all of them had set to forest where Pandavas were living. In the course of Journey, Duryodhana abducted a lady without knowing that she was a Gandharva. Then Gandharvas attacked entire Kauravas and Karna. Kauravas and Karna got defeated. Karna tried run away from battle-field after getting defeated by Chitrasena but he couldn’t since Gandharvas captured all Kauravas and Karna.

On knowing this, Yudhishtira asked Arjuna to free them since its Hastinapur which would be insulted.

Arjuna followed his eldest brother’s order and first requested Chitrasena to release Kauravas and Karna. Chitrasena rejected and asked Arjuna to fight with him in order to free Kauravas and Karna.

Thus a battle took place. Arjuna defeated many warriors. Chitrasena became invisible and started fighting with Arjuna. Arjuna used Shabdavedi astra and captured Chitrasena. During the fight with Chitrasena, Arjuna had performed extremely impossible feats as he killed 10 lakh Gandharvas (4.5 akshouni) in single shot by using Agneyastra. Apart from Arjuna, no warrior ever achieved this impossible feats even in dreams.

Finally Arjuna made Kauravas and Karna free. Chitrasena got impressed with Arjuna’s skills and granted him Sammohanastra.

So,we see here also that Arjun was great warrior of his time.

• Once, Brihannala and Uttar reaches to face Kauravas, Duryodhan, Shakuni and Dushyasan laughs on the young prince Uttar as he came with a woman to fight against them.

Duryodhan wanted to kill Uttar so as to incite Pandavas to reveal themselves for a fight but Bhishma does not allow them to do so.

Brihannala (Arjun) anxiously waits for sunset while Uttar becomes frightened and unable to get courage in facing or dealing with Kauravas. Brihannala urges him a lot to stand up and use his arrow but couldn’t usher confidence in him.

Duryodhan rings his bell for the second time and Brihannala also sees that sunset is approaching very near and then takes back the chariot making Uttar relieved.

Brihannala goes to fetch his Gandhiv from Agnidev and Uttar sees him worshipping Agnidev. Arjun speaks to Agnidev that his Agyatvas has ended with the sunset so he can use his Gandhiv against Kauravas.

Agnidev blesses him with Gandhiv.

Thus, at this time Arjun reveals himself to Uttar. He then twangs his Gandhiv (Gandhiv ka Tankaar) and produces a wave in the sky making Kauravas informed about him. Arjun then goes back with Gandhiv in the
chariot to face Kauravas alongwith Uttar.

He defends well against Kauravas army, Duryodhan, Dushyasan and Shakun’s attack with ease leading to their dismay. Sooner then, Karna – friend of Duryodhan comes in and challenges Arjun. Both begin to fight directly using their respective well-equipped Divyastra.

Pitama Bishma understands the gravity of the situation and also Arjun’s might and in order to save his sons and army, Bhishma produces a wall between Arjun and Karna ongoing fight equipped with Divyastra.

Bhishma requests Arjun to withdraw and stop the fight by acknowledging that if he didn’t stop then he will kill all his sons in this war. Arjun humbly agrees to stop the fight after Bhishma’s heed but takes a promise from him that in future fight he will not stop him against Kauravas. Bhishma agrees to Arjun’s demand and this led to fight between Arjun and Kauravas via Karna being stopped.

So, here also we can see Arjun was the great warrior.

Published by priyankasri19

I'm in the path of enlightening the world with the help of my knowledge, services, teachings of my Mentor. I believe to be a small part of Krishna my Lord and my purpose is serving humanity and maintain ecology in the universe.

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