What are the characteristics of those who have gone beyond the three guṇas? Reference Bhagwat Gita:-

BG 14.21: Arjun inquired: What are the characteristics of those who have gone beyond the three guṇas, O Lord? How do they act? How do they go beyond the bondage of the guṇas?

Shree Krishna answers his questions systematically.

BG 14.22-23: The Supreme Divine Personality said: O Arjun, The persons who are transcendental to the three guṇas neither hate illumination (which is born of sattva), nor activity (which is born of rajas), nor even delusion (which is born of tamas), when these are abundantly present, nor do they long for them when they are absent. They remain neutral to the modes of nature and are not disturbed by them. Knowing it is only the guṇas that act, they stay established in the self, without wavering.

BG 14.24-25: Those who are alike in happiness and distress; who are established in the self; who look upon a clod, a stone, and a piece of gold as of equal value; who remain the same amidst pleasant and unpleasant events; who are intelligent; who accept both blame and praise with equanimity; who remain the same in honor and dishonor; who treat both friend and foe alike; and who have abandoned all enterprises – they are said to have risen above the three guṇas.

It’s the attribute of wave to rise high, but it’s identity is no different than water/ocean.

BG 14.26: Those who serve me with unalloyed devotion rise above the three modes of material nature and come to the level of Brahman.

The above verse indicates that mere knowledge of the self and its distinction with the body is not enough. With the help of bhakti yog, the mind has to be fixed on the Supreme Lord, Shree Krishna. Then alone will the mind become nirguṇa (untouched by the three modes), just as Shree Krishna is nirguṇa.

How do they go beyond the bondage of the guṇas? Will discuss in next topic..(Bhakti Yog)

Published by priyankasri19

I'm in the path of enlightening the world with the help of my knowledge, services, teachings of my Mentor. I believe to be a small part of Krishna my Lord and my purpose is serving humanity and maintain ecology in the universe.

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