An Introvert Part 2

After I wrote my blog on an introvert I started getting many articles and videos of Motivational speaker on introvert a myth.

It was like universe talking to me and replying in it’s own way and correcting me and refining me which I’ m going to share with you now.

Just after posting my blog 2 hours later I got a related blog that there is nothing like introvert or extrovert. It’s existence is only in the dictionary. It’s only the different personality trait that someone get energized being in the noise and large gathering while the other get energized being in solitude .

Someone feel exhausted being alone while the other get exhaust being surrounded by many people. Introvert  are mainly book reader, artist, perfectionist who spend more time sharpening their skills finding his own self. But these personality trait changes according to time and situation it’s not a fixed trait.

Sachin Tendulkar and Rahul Dravid were also considered as introvert but they are excellent in their career. So, introvert is no less than extrovert it’s just their personality.

Naming few more…

  • Albert Einstein. Not only is Einstein one of the most famous scientists in history, but he was also a known introvert.
  • Bill Gates. …
  • Eleanor Roosevelt. …
  • Elon Musk. …
  • Emma Watson. …
  • J.K. Rowling. …
  • Meryl Streep. …
  • Warren Buffet.
  • Amir Khan
  • Ranbir Kapoor
  • Rani Mukherjee

Many highly others successful actors, politicians, singers, and businessmen are introverts—meaning that being around other people drains their energy, while spending time alone recharges their batteries. Introverts are often seen in a negative light, but these highly sensitive, quiet, and introspective people are actually known to make incredible leaders .

It’s not about me it’s about you, if you also considered yourself to be introvert and felt low comparing to extrovert it’s the time remove that myth from your life’s dictionary and live the life of your choice which gives you energy and joy.

Published by priyankasri19

I'm in the path of enlightening the world with the help of my knowledge, services, teachings of my Mentor. I believe to be a small part of Krishna my Lord and my purpose is serving humanity and maintain ecology in the universe.

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