Mother who sold her gold Bangles.

“Maa ka Pyar”

Indian mothers are good at financial management, if you check with your mother’s habbit of saving you will find the same, every Indian kitchen is ruled by housewife, when you go back in the days of 80’s and 90’s you will recall that your mother used to keep money in grain’s drum some in lentils box , etc etc. She used to spread her money in different boxes ,she used the concept of “never keep all eggs in one basket” she believed in diversity.

There was one such mother named Shradha, everytime family was in financial need she used to take out money from here and there and helped family financially.

It was 2010 , her daughter Prerna ‘s marriage was fixed ,they started shopping for her marriage, they went to nearby town shopped beautiful lastest design sarees ,cloths and other items they never compromised on choice design or price, Prerna is their only daughter, they loved Prena so much that ,the family wanted to fulfill all her desire. After shopping for all other items they went to buy jewellery for marriage ,Prerna was very selective, she had a good taste of design, she selected a piece of necklace which was very beautiful but little out of budget, parents didn’t wanted to show Prerna that they are not carrying much amount ,father at the bill counter was calculating how to arrange for rest of the money, enquiring whether they can take the cheque, the person on the counter was saying it will take 2 -3 days to clear cheque, in the meanwhile mother, Shradha came forward, searched something from her purse and took out her gold Bangles and asked the shop keeper to value that.

The gold Bangles were of Shradha’s marriage ,it turned blackish because of time ,it had no shine it was of the year 1979 when Shradha was married.

The salesperson came out of the test lab with gold Bangles and said it’s of 23 carat and its value is 2 lakhs. The family looked at each other surprised to know the value. Yes, the value of gold was appreciated during 1979 ,10 gram gold’s cost was some where around Rs900 and this is the year of 2010 the gold rate was all years high around Rs.28000. So, value of Bangles were also high. Shradha said to the salesperson this design has become old I want to exchange it with one necklace salesman showed some necklace ,Shradha selected one necklace of worth 75 thousand and said rest value you adjust in the bill.

This, way Shradha help her family and came as a “savior of last resort”

Moral of the story is Indian mothers are very good at financial management ,they are far sighted and always have contingency planning. When the time comes they come up like a “Hero” and solve the problem very easily .I salute to these Indian mothers who always have a undisclosed plan.

So, this was the story of 80’s and 90’s mother when there were very little resources and knowledge to have financial goal planning.

But, with the change of time today’s mothers have become more smarter, knowledgeable, working mothers and for these smart mother we have made financial goal planning very easy for them .They can log in to our website ,plan their financial goal and invest with the help of our online portal.

Every Mother hero can come to our site and can start investing for their family, children, self etc.

Thanks for taking the time to read 😊

Published by priyankasri19

I'm in the path of enlightening the world with the help of my knowledge, services, teachings of my Mentor. I believe to be a small part of Krishna my Lord and my purpose is serving humanity and maintain ecology in the universe.

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